Luke was telling me about this video. When I first watched it, I laughed....but then I thought "How sad!" If I had been in the congregation I wouldn't have though he was meaning "midget"....but those of us in the ministry know that someone would've thought that and the poor guy would've received emails telling him how insensitive he was being. It's so hard to always live in the glass house. We all know the feeling of constantly being under scrutiny by some of our church members. I know we are all blessed to have those members who will stick with us through thick and thin. I also know we have those people who constantly tell us how we can do nothing right. Even as a write this I'm thinking "What if someone in my church sees this and it makes them mad?"....Where does that nagging thought come from? I'll tell you where: Experience. When I surrendered to the ministry at the age of 16 I didn't know what that would mean exactly. I thought how wonderful it would be living a life dedicated to God's service and leading people to know and understand Him. As time in the ministry has taught me, it's not quite that simple. The times where I'm walking with women who are learning and growing are the highlights of ministry. Seeing someone come to know the Lord gives unspeakable joy.
I recently found Leading and Loving it. I joined a VCG and watched the JustONE conference yesterday. Julie Richard spoke about rolling around in freedom and being who we are in Christ. It was exactly what I needed to hear. My husband and I have been married for 8 years. In those 8 years we have had some really terrible experiences in the ministry. My outlook had gone from being excited, passionate & anxious, guarded and fearful. The church we are at now is wonderful. We have been here for 9 months and we really love the people! We have a really solid core group of people who love the Lord and love others. We are blessed to be here and are so glad that God placed us here. Though we are in a loving church I still find myself being anxious, guarded and fearful because of past experiences. I know without a doubt that one things I've learned from those experiences is that I have to trust God. He still reminds me when I get anxious about something that I need to PRAY about it. I know many of you reading have these same feelings and I want to encourage you to turn to the Lord. He knows our fears.
Recently I had to call a woman in our church about something and I was very anxious about the call. I had nothing really important to discuss, but she always takes offense easily and it is discouraging for things to turned around when I was intending good. I prayed about it a long while before I called and the call was fine. There have been times that I would've just worried and obsessed about it, but not taken it to the Lord. I just have to constantly remind myself that I'm being who God wants me to be, know my heart is pure and my intentions are good. The judgements that people make on me can't always be controlled. I'm sure there are things along these same lines that we all struggle with. What is it that you struggle with in ministry? How has God taught you to get through these situations?
Great thoughts, Sara...I, too, have been through really tough experiences in ministry. I found myself becoming bitter, suspicious, and closed off to the people around me. I had been hurt and I was trying to protect myself. Then I got connected with Leading & Loving It and received some wonderful encouragement from those ladies. They reminded me that God was not surprised by the actions of those church people who hurt me and that He can use those bad experiences to make me more like the person He created me to be. Even though it's been almost 2 years since the last hurtful experience I'm still healing. I am embracing the ministry and the people God has put in my life and trusting Him to protect and take care of me in the future. I'm learning to trust and love again...though I still keep my own personal blog a secret from my church steps, right? :) Thanks for sharing your heart here. I love hearing your story!